Plenary & Semi-Plenary Lectures
The conference programme will include the following distinguished Plenary and Semi-Plenary Lectures (preliminary list):
Plenary Lectures
Ingo BURGERT (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) | High performance wood materials – progress, challenges and visions | |
Gerald EPP (StructureCraft, Canada) | Timber awakening in America | |
Hermann KAUFMANN (Hermann Kaufmann Architects) | Building systems - constraints or chances for architects? | |
Erik SERRANO (Lund University, Sweden) | Rational characterization, modelling and design in timber engineering applications |
Semi-Plenary Lectures
Ki-Cheol BAE (University of Ulsan, Korea) | The recovery of wood culture and urban tectonic in Korea | |
Andy BUCHANAN (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) | The challenges for designers of tall timber buildings | |
Kaori FUJITA (University of Tokyo) | Recent attempts on timber structures in Japan | |
Jouni HAKKARAINEN (Metsä Group, Finland) | Development of engineered wood products - the industry perspective | |
Alfred W. KAMMERHOFER (Federal Office for the Environment BAFU, Switzerland) | The contribution of wood to climate/energy challenges – Resource Policy and Wood Action Plan in Switzerland | |
Eric N. LANDIS (The University of Maine, USA) | Performance prediction in wood structures: the pitfalls and promise of fundamental mechanics | |
Anders OLSSON (Linnaeus University, Sweden) | Determination of sawn timber properties using laser scanning – development potentials and industrial applications | |
Maurizio PIAZZA (University of Trento, Italy) | Optimization process in the use of wood and wood-based materials in hybrid and composite structures | |
Alfred TEISCHINGER (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences - BOKU, Austria) | Opportunities and limits of timber in construction | |
Jan-Willem VAN DE KUILEN (Technische Universität München, Germany / Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) | Wood properties from roundwood to timber engineering | |
(Technische Universität München, Germany) | Wood is good!? - worldwide threats and consequent opportunities for building with wood | |
Gary C. WILLIAMS (Timber Systems Limited, Canada) | From Europe with love … recent influences in North America from researchers and manufacturers |